Climbed by: me solo.
This is the first scramble I did on my own. It was nice to know that I can spend a couple hours by myself without getting too bored!
This mountain is super easy to climb. Travel from Canmore down the Spray Lakes road, and stop at the parking lot on the left side of the road just before the big hill heading down to the parking lot for Ha-Ling (and Goat Creek, though I've never used it for that).
Just across the road you'll see a fairly obvious trail leading up, and back toward Canmore. Follow this trail, which heads steadily upward to, and then along, a ridge. Before long, you'll leave the trees, and you'll see your destination far above.
The cliff bands look imposing, but they're really not. Just below the level of the cliff bands you can choose to veer right, along the edge of a decent sized drop to a 2 meter or so (simple, but quite exposed) scramble, bypassing the cliff band altogether; or, if you veer left, you can zig-zag your way up the cliff band. I chose to take the exposed scrambly bit, and I think it saved several minutes, and would have saved far more if the cliff bands were congested with fellow scramblers knocking rocks down from above on the cliff band.
Not far above the cliff band you'll come upon a wonderful alpine meadow. If you're lucky you'll see some sheep and maybe a marmot or two! Head toward the right, and follow the ridge right up to the top. I went in behind (to the right) of the blocky stuff at the top, and scrambled up to the top in no time. It wasn't much harder than walking up a flight of stairs (with marbles on it, maybe). I made it to the summit in 2 hours and 1 minute. Not bad for a fat computer geek. I chose to come down the same way I went up. I ran down, and got back to the cliff band in not much more than 10 minutes. While coming down the zig-zags at the cliff band my boot lost its grip on the loose gravel and while I was flailing my arms to regain my balance something went 'ping' in my back, ending any further efforts to make good time on the descent. Ultimately, it took 1 hour 45 minutes to get back to the car. I suspect it should have taken closer to an hour, making the round trip time roughly three hours, not counting lunch at the summit.